

詹姆斯B. Yard CPA, CIA, 亚当·J. 古德,注册会计师

一个强大的欺诈风险管理程序将有助于做好准备, protect and enable your organization to develop a response plan in the event fraud risk elevates to unacceptable levels.

Schneider Downs can help your organization identify and manage the risks of fraud by performing a 欺诈风险评估. During the process we work closely with management and create a tailored fraud risk assessment to meet the needs of your organization.


  • Overall fraud governance including Board and Senior Management oversite
  • 欺诈的角色和责任
  • 欺诈风险管理政策和程序
  • 全面的欺诈培训和意识
  • Fraud risk assessment, including inherent and residual risk factors
  • Fraud assessment rating criteria in order to appropriately prioritize key fraud risks
  • 反欺诈管制活动
  • Fraud monitoring and testing activities over the first, second and third lines of defense
  • Overall program monitoring activities to ensure that fraud risk activities are continuously assessed and mitigated


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Our team of experienced risk advisory professionals focus on collaborating with your organization to identify and effectively mitigate risks. Our goal is to understand not only the risks related to potential loss to the organization, but to drive solutions that add value to your organization and advise on opportunities to ensure minimal disruption to your business.

探索我们的全部 风险咨询bet9平台游戏产品 或bet9平台游戏的团队 contactsd@leylandfootcare.com.


大问题: 受勒索软件影响的公司.

大的思考: 现场恢复系统,避免六位数的赎金.


大问题: 低效的税收抵免实现.

大的思考: Identified A $900,000 Tax Credit, Nearly Twice As Much As Prior Years.



有问题吗?? 问我们!

我们很乐意听到你的消息. Drop us a note, and we’ll respond to you as quickly as possible.


每一刻都很重要. 紧急请求, contact the Schneider Downs digital forensics and incident response team at 1-800-993-8937. 如有其他要求,请填写以下表格.


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